Monday, February 06, 2006


all my friends, they think I'm smart
but I've only fooled them good
with my sarcasm and my witty talk
they're all in the dark
for who I am, or what I've become
is just what I've learned to be
wonder if they'd love to like
the me I used to be
It's not that I'm faking
or being something I'm not
I've just learned to use
all these things I been taught
I used to think that I was dumb
and sometimes I still do
expecially when I'm around
someone as smart as you
you know how to punctuate
and use words that I can't pronounce
and I know that you're super smart
because you never put me down
So, I'm wonderin if you might
want to teach me a thing or two
and even though I'm not too bright
maybe there's something I can teach you too

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