Monday, April 18, 2005

Blogarific Britch

ok so my friend Miranda brought it to my attention that I do not "blog" enough. Most of the things that I put up on my spot are shows, vague information and pictures....Mostly because even though I am a poet, I am not a writer. As you can see I have no idea how to use punctuation and such. So, I think I've been hesitant because of my writing inept-ness.

Tangent #1:
By the way, Miranda and I wrote this today while at Intermedia Arts after the B Girl Be Summit Meeting.....
culturally illiterate / spiritually deaf
holistically retarded / lyrically inept

Sounds like the beginning of a great song to me. lol!

Ok, back on track. This is my attempt at blogging - the REALLY real. If you find this way too boring and unexciting I suggest that you check out my friend Miranda's blog for some five star writing and entertainment.

This time around there will be no fancy stories about Wiscompton or any Hieroglyphics shows. You have to go visit Miranda's blog for that. You know, I'm just gettin into you have to humor me until I get this down.

Until then check this out:

check for the B Girl Be hip hop summit in Minneapolis / June 2005

1 comment:

jb said...

Didn't get a chance to tell you, You ripped it at the Fem and Hip Hop showcase. How was the hiero show?