Thursday, April 28, 2005

Good Girl

My whole life I have been a good girl. Really. You can ask my parents. Now, I'm not sayin' I never got in trouble or did anything bad...but I stayed out of trouble as much as possible.

Growing up with an older sister to make all the mistakes first benefited me because I used what happened to her to guide me. I just knew that I didn't want to get in trouble. It's not like my sister was always in trouble but, the times I witnessed her get in trouble were enough to let me know that that's not where I wanted to be. This is all leads up to the life I live today. I don't drink and never have. I have tasted alcohol but I have never been drunk, tipsy or even had a drink. It never really interested me even when all my friends did it. When I look back I don't know if it was because I was afaid I would get caught or if it was just that I was determined not to be like everyone else.

I don't smoke but tried it once in college and it made me horribly sick. So, that never happened again. I didn't have sex until college and unfortunately that was a mistake too. Not that any of these things would have made me a bad girl but had I done them it would have definitely made me a different person than I am today.

I never got away with anything I had done it when I was young. I wasn't a good liar and I really didn't like to lie - so, I just figured that I wouldn't...besides, it seemed to me like I always got caught.

As an adult I am pretty much the same. Recently I was workin at a local St Paul theater and I had gotten in trouble for sitting and watching the play one night. I was told not to do it again. The next show came around and I did not sit in the theater once until the last night when one of the actors kept encouaging me to watch. He said it was my last chance and that I had to watch it. I said no and he continued to "peer pressure" (haa) me into it. I don't know why the peer pressure worked because it never had before.

I go in to sit down right inside the door, just in case I needed to leave. I wasn't inside for a minute when the actor came and said that a late arrival needed me to seat them. This happened one more time and I decided not to go back in and sit down. But of course, the actor again told me to go ahead.

This time I was sitting there for less than 5 minutes and guess who walks in the door.....the executive director of the theater. He came in and sat right next to me. bah!!!! I sat there trying to be invisible, thinking, "oh...he doesn't know it's me. It's too dark in here for him to tell." But after a few minutes next to him I couldn't take it anymore. I had to leave.

This is the story of my life. I'm not a good girl because I want to be. It's just that I always seem to get caught, even with the small things. My guilty conscience only feeds my good behavior and makes me strive to be the best good girl. How bleepin annoying is that!


Anonymous said...

i feel ya. i am a bonafide "good girl" too. im not going to say never - ive broken a few "rules" in the past but i see rules as more of guidelines anyway. but when ive been bad, ive been really, really bad and i just end up caught, in trouble and stressing. i hate stressing more than i hate being a good so im just gonna continue to be good.

Anonymous said...

Well, I happen to be the sister that Desdamona says she learned from. I wasn't that bad, I just tried a few things and sometimes got in trouble, I really don't like to get in trouble either, it used to take me a time or two to learn a lesson. Not any more, I really wasn't a bad girl, honest.

princess of the poem: Desdamona said...

A - I hope you didn't think that I was sayihng that you were really bad. I didn't think that. I just saw you get in trouble a couple times and that was enough for me. I got in trouble know.

So, are definitly a good girl, all the way.