Wednesday, April 20, 2005


As my life seems to be moving faster than my mind I am in a constant state of confusion. I can't remember anything uinless I write it down. Even the simpilest things are easily forgotten. I have too much on my plate and I need to make some changes.

The good thing is that I am surrounded by good people who understand my maddness and are going through the same thing. And, I am working with some great youth in Minneapolis.

I have been working with a group of young ladies at Green Central School in Minneapolis - working on poems, lyrics and performance. For the past 2 weeks we have been recording songs for the B Girl Be Summit (June 2-5). It has been an amazing experience both for myself and the girls. I took them to a big studio and they got to see how everything is done. They recorded their songs and were soooo professional and open to the experience. It was great! I will never forget it and I don't think that they will either.

The only down side to it is that onm our last night recording got the girls home about 30 minutes later than I had planned. Some of the girls had called their parents and some had not...and what do know, one of the girls who didn't call had an irrate mother screaming at her once she finally called....Then she screamed at me. YIKES! I don't think I have ever had anyone talk to me in that way my whole entire life. Now on the one hand, I understand her point because it is a school night and we didn't call. But, if you wouldn't have heard all the foul language you would have been just as thrown off as I was.

Of course, I apologized and said that we would get her home right away. My co-producer actually took her home and then got an ear full from the mother again.

My concern is with the girl. I just hope she didn't get into too much trouble for being late. I would never want to be the cause of someone getting yelled at, cursed at, or whatever else....I don't even want to think about the possibilities.

Everything just keeps spinning - hopefully I will soon get a chance to stop and rest.



Oh man, that sucks. Just goes to show the old adage is true. Just 'cause you're somebody's mama, don't mean your not a brrrritch.


Anonymous said...

i'm not going to say that it's good that the mom is yelling at y'all (especially when she don't really know you from the next person) but what is positive is that the mother cares. too many mothers are stuck on themselves and they're own struggles to be worried about their daughters.

representing crazy caring moms everywhere