Saturday, September 24, 2005

Pissed off about EVERYTHING

Lately I have come in contact with a couple people who are just constantly mad about something. In my dealings with them I realized that it's easy to fall into the maddness of being mad about petty things and then carrying around that baggage and putting it on other people. Ridiculous!

There is this kid I know and he thinks he knows everything. He's about 21 years old so you know where he's at. I don't think I have ever heard him say anything nice. He is constantly telling people how dumb they are and that they are wrong...and that he is right....and it's always in a defensive or abrasive tone. It makes me wonder how this kid even has any friends.

Anyone outside his circle of friends is a NOBODY to him.

It makes me wonder what his everyday life is actually like. It must be absolutely miserable. Constantly mad or annoyed by someone. Always believing that he's right and that everyone else on the face of the planet is a complete idiot. What a lonely and depressing world.

I hope that he figure it out soon and sees that life is what you make it. And if you don't believe in other people, you don't really believe in yourself. There's so much negativity around us on a daily basis....why create more? What's the point?

Maybe he had a bad childhood and just hasn't gotten over it....but I read something the other day - can't remember where - it said, "You had a bad childhood but now it's over." I thought to myself, "yeah." for real. It's over so move on up and out of that black cloud. It's over. Just keep telling yourself that and maybe you'll believe it one of these days.


Today I ran into a guy at the grocery store. I didn't recognize him at first but I had actually gone on one date with him about a year ago. He was at the pay phone. I smiled a said hello when he spoke and then I just kept walking inside. It didn't dawn on me yet who he was.

But of course, on my way out I see him again. Actually he came into my line and walked in front of other people acting as if he was with me. I paid for my things. Then he paid for his while asking me why I never called him, and things like, "I thought we had a good time." etc. He was obviously hurt by my not calling him. I also noticed that his button down shirt was buttoned wrong and I could have been nice and told him so but I thought, nahhhh...

So, let me tell you what happened on the "date". We went to the Mall of America (not my top of the list date place). he was hungry so I told him how to get to Dixie's in St Paul. He had never been there and actually acted scared to go to a place he had never been. He asted weird almost the whole time we were there but was pleasantly suprised with the food. For about 10 minutes he stood outside (me, inside) and talked on his phone. Then he came back in. We split the bill and left. Then we stopped at 2 different houses where I got to stay in the car while he went in and was gone for 15-20 minutes both times. I had somewhere to be in the evening so I asked if he would take me home. He said he didn't want me to leave. I told him that I would call him when I was done, to appease him. I wasn't going to call. I wanted to escape. I felt like a prisoner because he kept saying he didn't want to take me home. But, he did. Before he took me he reached over and grabbed my head and gave me an UNWANTED kiss. I pulled away - and told him that I didn't want to kiss him. He tried again. I just about flipped on him. I said, "you don't TAKE a kiss from someone." He didn't get all. Like he deserved what he wanted. Finally, he brought me home but I was a little scared the whole way and I was regretting that fact that he knew where I lived.

I didn't call him that night. And I don't think that he called me either but I can't remember.

So - back to the store. I stood outside and talked to him for about 5 minutes. The whole time he was asking why I didn't call him. I told him he was too agressive and replayed the kissing scene. What do you know, he still didn't get it. Then he kept asking hypothetical questions like, "if I wouldn't have done that do you think we would be together?"

He asked for my number. I said no. He asked if he could give me his. I said no. (this is the typical, can't take NO for an answer)He said why. I told him I was seeing someone. As I was saying this he began talking to himself about the magazine he had. Then he proceeds to tell me that it looks like I've gained weight. (I've lost weight) and then says some remark about the "person I'm seeing" - 2 Nice little jabs at me because I wouldn't give this idiot my freaking number. Then he just started to walk away. My guess is that he wanted me to follow him. HAHAHAHAAAA! I walked to my car and smiled to myself. Thank god I got away from that creep. I would like to meet his mother and see if she knows that her son doesn't know a thing about chivalry, kindness or simple respect. Does she know her son is possessive, agressive and completely inept? Probably not.

1 comment:

Aliecat said...

My guess on the house thing is that he was scoring drugs. Why else would he make you wait outside. Sounds like you dodged a bullet though!