Thursday, October 27, 2005

Critical Condition

I have a friend who is critical about everything. At first, I found him to be a great observer who looked deeper into things before he just accepted them. This is good....but, then I slowly came to realize that being critical about everything can tend to just bring you down over a period of time.

Although I think that it is good to question things I also think it is just as important to see the good things about a situation. When you're overly critical you set yourself up to be disappointed on a regular basis. Nothing lives up to your standards and I would think that you would start to feel very alone.

So, for me the lesson is simple. Start to see the great things in people, things, places, events, whatever it is. You might start to see your own spirit lifted and this is always a good thing. Don't get caught in the critique. I think it's bad when you don't think about the things you do or consume but I also believe that you can think too much and analyze something into the ground and completely miss the point.


Anonymous said...

Did you know that people with a positive attitude live longer and have less stress in their lives? I think that all of your grandparents were very positive people and I hope I was too. Thinking positive will get you a lot further in this life! You are on your way girl! I'm thinking positive thoughts about you all the time. Love ya

princess of the poem: Desdamona said...

I'm always trying to be positive. I think I am most of the time. :) And I try to help other people to see the positive. It's amazing how many people I know who are negative and don't even really know it. Life is gettin harder and more hectic and stress can take over if you're not careful.

I've been trying to be aware of what I'm absorbing and what I'm putting out into the world. I want to contribute not destroy it.

Anonymous said...

There are those who are some negative that I think they must hate those who are positive. They are dream dashers. They just can’t stand for others to dream and be happy. Watch out for the dream dashers! Harmonica Man

princess of the poem: Desdamona said...

I agree. When I wrote this, i was thinking more of the everyday things and how critical myboy can be about everything....not the things that you mentioned. I know I am critical...I am writing about stuff everyday that is either a critique or a critical response to something that I saw, heard or experienced.
And I think you're right. It's all about balance. And I also think it is about taking the critique and making it real by acting on it which is what I try to do...and I think that you do too.