Sunday, October 16, 2005

Once. Twice. Three times for the Lady.

I did 3 shows tonight. First one in Minneapolis at Walker Church. A sort of celebration and appreciation of the elders in our community. I felt honored to be a part of something like that. I was one of the younger performers there and I kept thinking how funny it would have been if there had been a hip hop crowd there.

Show 2: in St Paul at "Over the Rainbow". A friend asked me to perform at her first all women showcase. It was a good night and I got to meet some new people. Got a headache just before I went on (2nd day in a row) but took some ibuprofin. Didn't seem to make a dent in the inner-head-explosion. But I survived to live through another headache.

Show 3: Downtown Minneapolis at Nochee - a sort of "upscale bar" - at least to me. Possibly a meat market but not sleazy - maybe just a little greazy (men with slicked back hair). Played with The New Congress
Had some lovely, yummy chicken wings for 14.99 - yikes! But they were good and I needed to eat something. I took the ibuprofin on an empty stomach. bah! mistake.

and the wind down: Now I'm home and amazingly, not too tired. I should be because I had a show last night and had to get up this morning for an interview. I'm sure that any moment now my battery is going to run out of, before I get too low....I'll go.

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