Saturday, July 23, 2005

Random, Breathing, Creativity

Once again, it is too hot. The day started off with a nice thunder storm and pouring rain. It was about 75 degrees and windy. The weather man kept saying it was going to get up to 100. I didn't believe it because at 1:30 it wasn't even above 80 yet. But, here I am in my un-airconditioned apartment sweating my bootay off in the heat. Nope, I still haven't bought that airconditioner.

Other than that, everything is good. I performed at The Fallout Art Festival to a crowd of about 20 people and when I walked off stage someone bought a CD from me right then. That was nice. Small crowds are harder than a room full of people. But you do what you do and someone always appreciates it.

For the past 2 weeks I have been doing at least one thing every day to promote my newly released CD and today I haven't done ANYTHING>>> I promised myself that I would do one thing every day to promote the CD. That way I couldn't be mad at myself for not putting out the effort. I guess the show today was effort...So, maybe I did do something.

Soon my website will have some of my poetry & lyrics up so watch for that in the days to come. My site address is listed on the side of my blog and you can click and go.

Leave me a message. peace, des

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